An economical alternative to the standard inside fit conical point, the blunt-nose style is every bit as capable of handling your difficult driving needs.
The blunt-nose contains interior reinforced ribs and is also considered a true 60 degree conical point.
The inside fit conical points are easy to install and slip into a wide variety of pipe with varying wall thickness.
The outside diameter of the point is equal to the O.D. of the pipe and cross section of the part line provides maximum support for the pile under stressful driving conditions.
Points are cast with weld chamfer built in so there is no unnecessary on-site prep work needed for installation.
Slip conical point flange into pipe, center and track-weld. Using 70xx series rod, make 5/16″ weld in built in chamfer around entire outside diameter of the pipe and you are ready to drive.
Construction Supply Company carries a wide range of 60 Degree Inside Fit Conical Points, please call or email CSC for specific sizes and/or dimensional drawings.